Gender Ideology Questioned by Science

Source: FSSPX News

Gender ideology has just taken a turn for the worse. A team of researchers from Stanford University in California examined the brain and raised the question as to the possible differences between men and women. What they found risks disappointing more than one progressive in search of “deconstruction.”

“Our results demonstrate that sex differences in functional brain dynamics are not only highly replicable and generalizable but also behaviorally relevant.” This is the conclusion of a study by Stanford researchers [“Deep learning models reveal replicable, generalizable, and behaviorally relevant sex differences in human functional brain organization”] that was published on February 20, 2024 in a recognized scientific journal: PNAS  (Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences).

It now seems established by science that sex is an important biological factor that influences human behavior and has a direct impact on brain function. 

Accordingly, the team of researchers used the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). After encoding an algorithm using data from 800 functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans – which makes it possible to visualize the activity of neurons in different areas of the brain – the AI was able to read, almost without error, whether the MRI scans it was asked to analyze corresponded to a man or a woman's brain.

Gone are the days of outdated morphological comparisons where researchers affirmed that men were superior to women because of the difference in the volume of their respective brains. It is a hypothesis long refuted by science and which the sycophants of gender ideology have long mocked in order to discredit their opponents.

For the Stanford team, there would no longer be any doubt about the existence of a sexual dimorphism of the brain: “Which challenges the notion of a continuum in male-female brain organization,” and puts in relief “the crucial role of sex as a biological determinant in human brain organization,” explains the article published in PNAS.

To corroborate their results, the American researchers analyzed other MRIs from the United States and Germany: “The success rate was very high, around 80%. This small difference can be explained by the fact that the MRIs were obtained from different imaging centers, explains Salma Mesmoudi, doctor in AI at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

This shows that “the results are replicable between datasets, and therefore that the AI’s  ‘reasoning’ is robust,” the researcher assessed. For Professor Pascal Reynier, medical biologist at Angers University Hospital, the results obtained open up numerous avenues: “This could mean that we would have a different way of processing information according to our biological sex, which could be observed behaviorally in particular, but also, for example, in certain pathologies.”

Christophe Rodo, teacher-researcher specializing in neuroscience and creator of the podcast “La tête dans le cerveau,” suggests broadening the research by focusing on “the categorization of gender or sexual orientation,” in other words by analyzing MRI scans of subjects believing they suffer from “gender dysphoria.”

But, in France, such research would risk triggering an outcry from progressives: they would need this to protect themselves from the gender boomerang effect. But in fact, these results are anything but surprising and will only surprise gender theory partisans.